Enterprise Strategic Traget

Building STAUSH into competitive modern enterprise group

Enterprise Spirit

1. Traliblazer,Innovating,Creating 
2. Traliblazer--exploiting every day 
3. Innovating--focusing sonchange
4. Creating--making progress everyday

Enterprise Values

Respect, Proficnt,Altogether,Wins.
2.Respect--respecting staff, customer stockholder, and to be respected;
3. Proficient--being proficient in operation, management, production, and in pur suit of perfection
4. Altogether wins--win-win between enterprice and staff,customer,stockholder and society

Enterprise Operation Concept

1.Without customer, there would be no STAUSH.
2.Improving value of enterprise, and sparing no pains to contribute to society and customer.
Enterprise Security Concept

Cherishing life, and observing work instructionsr